Saturday, June 13, 2009

my passion for dance

i started barathanatyam wen i was 3years old and im still continuing...
i did my salangai pooja when i was 12years old...
i love dancing.. and i also dance mohini attam!!!
i have 4 costumes for my barathanatyam... green, white, yellow and orange!!
my parents want me to do my arangetram!! but i wanna do it in Kalashetra,India

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

kiss me im an Inti-an

people i love inti-UC im doing business admin... im taking 5 subjects.. i stay in E block ((E4-34)) i have hell lota friens down here.. they're like sooooo dayum awesome love them to the max... and especially shaunex.. (:

my chill out is the bakery and the dining...

i love eating in al-saalam and bistro palma

in the faculty i like sidewalk weee hah...
i joined miss inti and backed out... i joined cma but i wasnt chosen huhu (:

i hate assignments!!!

this is like my fourth week in college and the amount of assignments whoa!!!! pretty tiring gahhhhhhhhhh strting to hate classes i have 3 assignments to do haih... csc 1170, mgt1101, mpw1133... i wish i had awesome friends who can really help me on this... ): they have their stuffs to do so yeah its k... my lecturers are scary they deduct marks taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
but the stupidest thing is tht we're allowed to sleep in class wtf la... anyways i gts do my assignments now ttfn (:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

life in inti-UC

this is my first semester.. i met new friends they're christina, matthew, yashni, tisha, janiss, nisha, kavie, shantini, nina, shaun, eric, poonam, pratik, sherina, haresh, keshika, sujit, maurice, felix and tralalala

but my besties are.... nina, eric, janiss, kavie, matthew, poonam, vicky and nisha

and our chill-out is the bakery lol... i love sleeping there but my dear shaun would never let me sleep so yeah!!

ooooh not forgetting the sidewalk weeee hah!!!!

i love you my ppl